Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Your Typical Sappy Posting

This is going to be one of those sappy-style posts... my apologies in advance. But over the last couple of weeks, I've started really focusing on being a positive person. We all have negative things in our lives, but it's important not to harp on them.

I'm not saying that I'm in denial, because I'm not, but I've decided to focus on the positive things going on in my life. There's lots of things I wish were going differently (like having a full-time job), but there are so many more happy things going on that I'm choosing to focus my thoughts on.

Like for instance, I am blessed beyond belief to have the greatest friends a girl could ask for. In fact, I know you're pretty much the only ones who read this blog :)

Anyways, for my birthday, they plotted and surprised me with one of the best surprises ever - my best friend driving four hours to attend the Braves game with me. I literally burst into tears because I was so happy that they would do this for me. That's one happy thing to focus on.
The best friends a girl could ever ask for! Minus my two favorite gingers, of course!

Second, I am getting a niece in approximately 28 days! This is the happiest thing ever and I cannot wait to hold that precious little girl in my arms! I am counting down the days on my calendar, and I'm ready for that phone call saying that she's on her way. Ella Madison, get here already!

And third, I also get to help plan a wedding and be a bridesmaid! My oldest cousin who is also one of my best friends just got engaged and we now get to plan the perfect beach wedding for her. And the best is that we get free range on our dresses. It's beachy, and I get to be barefoot, so basically it's perfect. So beachy-style dress suggestions are very welcome!

With all of the negative in the world, I really believe it's important to focus on the happy things. I am lucky enough to have a job, even if it's not my dream job. I am in good health, so are my family members, and there are great things happening right now.

That's my cheesy corny advice - to be positive. To realize that no matter how crappy things may seem, there's always something more important to focus on. And as strange of a post as this may seem, it's really helped me out. In the past few weeks, I've just felt better all around, because I've chosen to be positive during all of this insanity in my life.

And one final thing - according to my Blogger statistics, there are people reading this from some pretty cool places, so if you are, say hello! I promise I'm friendly!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Interviewing For An Interview

Yep, just like the title says, I interviewed for an interview today. Another day, another experience for me.

I got a call Friday from a staffing agency asking if I was interested in interviewing for two positions they were trying to fill. Of course I was, so I agreed to an interview today. The only thing I had to do before the meeting was write an essay about myself. Yes, an essay. What are your two biggest accomplishments from your last two jobs? Seriously? Whatever.

After getting lost and turned around driving, I finally found the place, only to then have to search for the one suite among many in this strange complex. Anyways, found the place, then got to fill out loads of paper work.

The jobs are basically temp-to-hire jobs, with a 90-day trial period. But whatever, a jobs a job at this point. So fingers crossed. The best part. They didn't even ask for my nicely written personal essay.

In other news, my niece is due in just four short weeks, and I CANNOT WAIT! It's about dang time. I want to finally meet the little creature.

I got some great news on the family front the other day, but can't quite share that yet. Soon though :)

And lastly, my birthday is one week from today! The big 2-4. And of course the only way to celebrate is with an outing to a Braves game. The game's at 4 though, so bring on the sunscreen.

No place like Turner Field. Can't stop the chop.