Monday, August 6, 2012

And So It Begins

Well, great news for me... I GOT A JOB!

That's right, I have a full-time position. I'll be doing HR for a software company in Atlanta, which is exciting and nerve-wracking all at once, seeing as I've never worked HR and I know nothing about the software industry. Oh well, guess there's only one way to learn, right?

Tomorrow will be my first day, and as today has gone on, I've gotten more and more nervous. I'm one of those people that when I'm doing something new like this, I like details, lots of and lots of details. And that simply is not possible when using a recruiter/staffing agency.

I actually had to email my recruiter today and ask her what time I was supposed to be there, seeing as no one thought that was pertinent information. Also had to ask about parking, seeing as it's a private lot, who to ask for when I get there seeing as it's key code restricted - all stuff that it's kind of helpful to know.

So the lack of info is definitely stressing me out. But other than that, I'm excited about starting a new adventure. And at least now I'll have something more to post about, instead of talking about my lack of a job.

So as I head off to bed, I've been jamming out to the song, "Lucky Strike" by Maroon 5. If you haven't heard it, definitely check it out. Have to thank my running ginger, Kirsten, for introducing me to it! 

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