Sunday, October 28, 2012

Weekend Wonders

Oh what a fantastic weekend it was. It started with just being able to see some of the best friends that I hadn't seen in a little while, like Chris and my ginger, Kirsten. We had been invited to a Halloween party, and let me tell you, I sure love Halloween.

I love coming up with an original, funny costume, and I feel like Kirsten and I really did that this year. We went as the great Russian gymnasts Komova and Mustafina. Our costumes were complete with medals, name badges, hair clips, and LOTS of hair glitter.

The next day was a hell of a great day for a Georgia Bulldog. There is nothing like college football, and the rivalry game between The University of Georgia and those jean shorts wearing people from Florida.   And for the first time since 1988 and 1989, UGA won back to back matches. The game on Saturday sure was an ugly one, but a win's a win, and a win over the Gators is oh, so sweet.

Sunday has been quite the lazy day, filled with job applications, junk food eating, and some healthy cooking for dinner. I tried tempeh for the first time, thanks to my lovely vegan roomie Ann. I have to say, I sure enjoyed the tempeh chili she made, and would definitely eat it again.

Tempeh and bean chili is definitely approved by this non-vegan

For my own dinner, I went with one of my tried and true favorites, sautéed onions and yellow squash. It was even better tonight because Ann suggested using Mrs. Dash, and it added just the right amount of extra flavor. Definitely using it every time from now on. My nice, warm, home-cooked meal was quite the addition for the cool weather that we now have, which I am absolutely loving. I live for cool, Ugg boot-wearing weather.

My oh-so-yummy dinner

Now, to finish my evening, there will be more job applications, but with the addition of the greatest Halloween movie ever made, Hocus Pocus. I kid you not, there is no other Halloween movie that even comes close to the amazing-ness that is Hocus Pocus. I watch it approximately 15-20 times every Halloween, both on TV as well as on my own, seeing as it's one of my favorite DVD's that I own. I'm also still wearing my Ugg's, which I should have removed while cooking, seeing as they have now suffered an oil spill, and will forever bare the mark of my favorite dinner.

My favorite Halloween movie, and my poor, forever stained Ugg boot

I will also leave you with what could be my favorite scene from the movie. Definitely top 3.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Loving Lincoln

Okay, I have an admission.

I absolutely LOVE Abraham Lincoln. Like, I have a favorite President, I love him, I want to be friends with him, I think he's awesome. All my friends know of my love, and thankfully they accept me for it.

My favorite places to visit in Washington DC are the Lincoln Monument and Ford's Theater. I'm a big ol' nerd for Lincoln.

So I cannot express to you how freaking excited I am about the new movie 'Lincoln' that is coming out.

Now, I'm sure everyone saw the previews for 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer" and let me tell you, I was not amused. That is stupid. Don't you dare insult my Abe with a movie as dumb as that one. No, I did not see, nor do I ever intend to.

But 'Lincoln,' starring Daniel Day Lewis, Sally Field, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Tommy Lee Jones looks ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL. I cannot wait to see it. I will be the first person there the day it comes out, and will probably see it more than once. Actually, I know I will, because I have already arranged to see it with three different people, including my dad and grandpa. Yes, the love of Lincoln seems to be genetic.

This post really didn't have much of a point, except to share with you my love of Lincoln. And to force you to click on the following video and watch the preview. Then go see the movie and fall in love like I already have.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My 9 Week Book Challenge

So, I've decided to start a book challenge for myself. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a major book nerd. They also know that I have an obsession with buying books. I can literally spend an entire day moseying through a book store, just flipping pages and checking things out. 

This, however, can backfire when you end up with an entire library of books that you haven't read. When I moved to my new place, I brought along only books that I hadn't read (with the exception of a few favorites) to encourage myself to stop buying and start reading. 

And yes, they are alphabetized by author's last name. I'm that OCD.

Another reason for this challenge is because I spend far too much of my spare time on the computer and using technology instead of getting back to what has been a lifelong passion - reading. 

So now, with the help of one of my favorite gingers, Ann (@Ann_the_ging), I am picking six books to read before the end of the year. I'm picking some biographies, some fantasy, some history, a little bit of everything. 

Originally this challenge was going to be to read ten books, but instead I've chosen six, seeing as I do need to be dedicating quite a lot of time to finding a full time job. 

I've already planned future book challenges for myself, such as re-reading all of the books that I was supposed to have read in high school and college, but my first step is reading six books in just over two months.

Thankfully Ann respects my love for Abraham Lincoln, and has picked a book about him to include in my challenge, so I think I'll be going with that first.

Here's my list, and I'll keep it updated with when I start and finish each book!

1. Stealing Lincoln's Body, by Thomas J. Craughwell
2. Into Thin Air, by Jon Krakauer
3. Profiles In Courage, John F. Kennedy
4. Best Friends Forever, by Jennifer Weiner
5.  Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin
6. Conversations with Tom Petty, by Paul Zollo

Books 1-4 are Ann's choices, books that she also wishes to read once she has more spare time as well. 

You can follow this challenge by checking out the 'Book Challenge' tab at the top of the page!

Living with Vegans

So, as I mentioned last post, I moved out of my mom's and moved in with three friends. What I don't think I mentioned is that those three friends all happen to be vegan. Let me tell you, I'm amazed by them.

From an outsider's point of view, being vegan seems so incredibly hard. Having to always check what things are made with, knowing which restaurants are and are not vegan friendly, and having to refuse desserts even though they look so good seems pretty damn hard to me.

However, Ann, Megan, and Jon make it look so easy. And oh so healthy. They are always experimenting in the kitchen, cooking up fun, new crazy looking meals that I'm not sure I can even identify.

Even though I am a meat-loving carnivore, I can still admire their dedication to being vegan. They all three have their own reasons for it, and I think it's awesome. They have inspired me to at least try and eat healthier, as well as cook more. And although I don't know that veganism is for me, I don't mind broadening my horizons and at least trying those black bean and tofu brownies that they make.

For now, however, I'll just share this photo, of my soon-to-be scrambled eggs underneath a now very contradictory sign.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Wow, it's been forever since I've posted. And so, so much has happened in my life it's insane.

I've become an aunt, I moved out, I got a job, I quit the job a day later, I've attended sporting events and have been heartbroken by said sporting events. So many things have happened, I don't even know where to begin.

I guess I'll start with the best part - becoming an aunt. I never knew just how excited and emotional something could get me until I held my niece in my arms for the first time. There was no fighting the tears when I got to see her only a few hours after she was born. Ella Madison is by far the most beautiful little being I've ever laid my eyes on.
One of the best texts ever received.

Only a week or two before becoming an aunt, I also received a temporary position through a staffing agency, and was so excited to have a position. That was the last blog post I put up - about how excited I was to finally have a job. However, as I mentioned in that post, I knew hardly anything about the position, and it turned out to bite me big time. It was a horrible match and I hated every second of the two days I was there. I felt like such a quitter not making it longer than that, however when it's not right, it's not right. So I'm back in the hunt again, hoping something else comes along, and soon.

Then, at the beginning of September I finally moved out. It's been absolutely amazing, can't lie. I loved living with my mom, but it's nice to finally be back on my own, independent and living with three great friends. It was hard living on my own for four years in college and then moving back home and being out of the loop away from my friends. Now being back out there feels so great.

A highlight of my fall was the Atlanta Braves finishing the season strongly and making it to the Wild Card playoff game. Which, don't even get me started on the stupidity that is that game. But anyways, Kirsten and I were able to go to the Wild Card game and cheered our hearts and voices out for our Bravos. However, it wasn't enough, and a few errors and two bad calls ended the season much too early. The Braves deserved to be playing in the postseason, and the fact that they're not is truly a disappointment.
Heartbroken besties after the Braves season ended.

Plus, all season long I've attended all but one University of Georgia football home game, seeing as I'm a first time season ticket holder. I've been able to cheer my Dawgs on to all home victories, and unfortunately watched that one ugly loss on TV. Can't even tell you how much I hate Steve Spurrier and the Game Cocks. Gross.

So that's a very brief catch up, and now hopefully I'll be back on the blogging bandwagon and not wait two months before my next post.