Thursday, October 25, 2012

Loving Lincoln

Okay, I have an admission.

I absolutely LOVE Abraham Lincoln. Like, I have a favorite President, I love him, I want to be friends with him, I think he's awesome. All my friends know of my love, and thankfully they accept me for it.

My favorite places to visit in Washington DC are the Lincoln Monument and Ford's Theater. I'm a big ol' nerd for Lincoln.

So I cannot express to you how freaking excited I am about the new movie 'Lincoln' that is coming out.

Now, I'm sure everyone saw the previews for 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer" and let me tell you, I was not amused. That is stupid. Don't you dare insult my Abe with a movie as dumb as that one. No, I did not see, nor do I ever intend to.

But 'Lincoln,' starring Daniel Day Lewis, Sally Field, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Tommy Lee Jones looks ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL. I cannot wait to see it. I will be the first person there the day it comes out, and will probably see it more than once. Actually, I know I will, because I have already arranged to see it with three different people, including my dad and grandpa. Yes, the love of Lincoln seems to be genetic.

This post really didn't have much of a point, except to share with you my love of Lincoln. And to force you to click on the following video and watch the preview. Then go see the movie and fall in love like I already have.

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