Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My 9 Week Book Challenge

So, I've decided to start a book challenge for myself. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a major book nerd. They also know that I have an obsession with buying books. I can literally spend an entire day moseying through a book store, just flipping pages and checking things out. 

This, however, can backfire when you end up with an entire library of books that you haven't read. When I moved to my new place, I brought along only books that I hadn't read (with the exception of a few favorites) to encourage myself to stop buying and start reading. 

And yes, they are alphabetized by author's last name. I'm that OCD.

Another reason for this challenge is because I spend far too much of my spare time on the computer and using technology instead of getting back to what has been a lifelong passion - reading. 

So now, with the help of one of my favorite gingers, Ann (@Ann_the_ging), I am picking six books to read before the end of the year. I'm picking some biographies, some fantasy, some history, a little bit of everything. 

Originally this challenge was going to be to read ten books, but instead I've chosen six, seeing as I do need to be dedicating quite a lot of time to finding a full time job. 

I've already planned future book challenges for myself, such as re-reading all of the books that I was supposed to have read in high school and college, but my first step is reading six books in just over two months.

Thankfully Ann respects my love for Abraham Lincoln, and has picked a book about him to include in my challenge, so I think I'll be going with that first.

Here's my list, and I'll keep it updated with when I start and finish each book!

1. Stealing Lincoln's Body, by Thomas J. Craughwell
2. Into Thin Air, by Jon Krakauer
3. Profiles In Courage, John F. Kennedy
4. Best Friends Forever, by Jennifer Weiner
5.  Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin
6. Conversations with Tom Petty, by Paul Zollo

Books 1-4 are Ann's choices, books that she also wishes to read once she has more spare time as well. 

You can follow this challenge by checking out the 'Book Challenge' tab at the top of the page!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I'm might join the LJOH book club. :) Also, the first thing I noticed is that I'm on your bookcase twice. Yes, I'm counting the koala as me. ;)
