Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Experience, Experience, Experience

That's what it comes down to - experience. I got rave reviews from the company I interviewed with and they would have hired me immediately...had I had more experience.

Now can someone please tell me how you get experience when NO ONE WILL HIRE YOU? I mean, experience isn't exactly easy to come by in some fields.

Internships have to be for course credit, which obviously I am not getting. Internships give you experience. Can't have a job until you have experience. So really, how does one get that experience?

Okay, rant over. Had to get that off my chest. It's just frustrating to hear that you're perfect for a position, but another candidate had more experience and would therefore require less training.

At least the interview itself gives me more experience. Yes, there's that word again.

Alright, really moving on now. I have another interview tomorrow, for a completely different type of position. So we'll see how that goes. It's more social media/advertising oriented, so I know I'd probably enjoy it more. However, it also includes some administrative work, and I'm not so sure about being someone's errand girl.

But while I look for that ever elusive full-time position, I still have my part-time job to head to. The nice part is that I get to wear close to whatever I want. Soooo... even though I am super opposed to the 'MySpace style, self portrait in a mirror' look, I did it today. The following is my new favorite outfit.
Head-to-toe Old Navy, can't lie. The coral shorts are my faves, and I've been wearing them non-stop since I got them about two months ago. And the top is so comfy and flowy. And all together, it totals only about $25, because this poor, under-employed kid only shops with a bargain in mind.

Now, back to the NHL Awards, because yes, I watch them. And you should too. Super hot, buff men.

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