Monday, June 25, 2012

That Damn Word Again

Well, here it comes again... EXPERIENCE.

That's all everything boils down to. I had another interview Thursday that went spectacularly. Going into it, I wasn't exactly sure that it was what I necessarily wanted to do, but then I met with the two owners and realized that not only could I enjoy it, but that it would be a fantastic job to have, and I would learn an insane amount from it. So the interview goes really well, and I'm told that the time frame of hearing something is less than a week.

So now I'm excited and hoping that things work out. I know I can do a great job for this company.

And then comes the call from my recruiter.
- I interviewed great.
- They loved my personality.
- They thought I'd be a great fit for the company.

I didn't have enough experience.

But let me tell you why I'm so confused. The final line of the job description I was given said they were looking for "someone green that they could train to use their methods." So, last time I checked, that would include me, and not someone with more experience.

I know that I'm one of a million kids looking for a job and facing the same problems, but at some point, what do you do? How do you get more experience in a field when no one will hire you? It just gets so frustrating hearing the same thing over and over again.

Anyways, done with my venting for now. Instead, I'm going to go wallow in self-pity, close my eyes, and listen to the following song and dream of being out on the water.

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